My Soul Sings

Thoughts & observations from a husband, father and pastor who desires to live a lifestyle that worships Jesus. When I was 15 years old I heard a very influential person say that we're all meant to be "missionaries". Wasn't sure what that meant but it planted a seed that hasn't stopped growing. Seriously grateful for the life that I've been given and the friends that I've made.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Freedom defined?

When we think of freedom, as Americans, we tend to think of freedoms spelled out by our Constitution (freedoms that I personally value and enjoy). How do these constitutional rights relate to "Kingdom" freedom? Meeting folks in different places in the world challenge our notion of freedom. Meeting a small group of Christians who live and minister in the (garbage) dump of Mexico City, literally unable to leave without threat of violence and possible death. They create a church building out of pieces of sheet metal. Here, they reach their "community" with the message of the gospel, that Jesus loves them and that even though they are confined in this area and basically live like slaves to the drug lords who run the property, they can live in freedom, in Jesus.

Visiting a settlement on the outskirts of Durban, South Africa called Mayville. Many Zulu's and other nations living in huts and shacks. Meeting a pastor in this area named Simon, who perseveres in growing the church, in this settlement, under the threat of xenophobia. You can't chase Simon or his church out because they love Jesus and they love the people in this settlement. They are making a difference. They are seeing lives changed, drug addicts and alcoholics freed from their addiction, prostitutes freed from living a life of self degradation (as they come into the knowledge that Jesus has a plan and purpose for their lives, they are not disposable). Most of these people will never live outside of Mayville or similar circumstances, but in Jesus, they can live in freedom, fulfilling the purpose that God has for their life.  Historically, those changes bring about social change.

Truth is, as I've visited some of these places, I've been greatly influenced by the people that I meet and the friends I've made. I often walk away wanting "some of what they have". Not material stuff, but their passion for Jesus and the ability to follow Him and do what's right in the most difficult circumstances. I sometimes think that our right to pursue "happiness" can become like a shackle and chain, depending on how we define "happiness".

Happy 4th of July and remember to consider those who have sacrificed so that we can live and worship in freedom. Let's also remember what defines freedom, it has more to do with a cross than a constitution.

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