My Soul Sings

Thoughts & observations from a husband, father and pastor who desires to live a lifestyle that worships Jesus. When I was 15 years old I heard a very influential person say that we're all meant to be "missionaries". Wasn't sure what that meant but it planted a seed that hasn't stopped growing. Seriously grateful for the life that I've been given and the friends that I've made.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Defined by What - Who we stand for, Against or With?

Watching the recent NBA Finals, I realized that something felt missing. No, not the Cavs, something else. As I rooted for the Mavericks (whose tremendous play won the finals, yay), I couldn't help shake the reality that I wasn't really rooting for the Mavericks (c'mon, Dallas?), but I was rooting against the Heat. More specifically, Lebron and the Heat. Wasn't nearly as exciting, thrilling or riveting as it would be if I was actually rooting for a team. Eventually, my interest waned. Don't get me wrong, I love the outcome, but it just wasn't the same, something felt missing.

Faith can be like that. After following Jesus for over twenty years, and being in many different churches going back to the days of when my parents would ship me off to Vacation Bible Schools growing up (thanks mom & dad, no, I really mean that), I'm still faced with religious folks who base their faith on what they stand against. They don't necessarily get fired up or passionate about who the Lord is, or what He's doing, but what He's against. Ever see somebody salivate at the word judgement, it's just weird I tell ya. It seems like they still have something missing in their life. Often their gospel message comes off as an invitation to a life of "us verse thems". Jesus never went about it that way, in fact, He was criticized for being more like "thems". Don't get me wrong, I think there is a place even in politics for followers of Jesus to stand against immoral actions and injustices and to stand with those who have been marginalized and ostracized. When I rededicated my life to Christ at the age of twenty, I feared that I would not find a place in the church. I thought I was a misfit. However, deep inside I hoped that maybe, if the church was like the Jesus that I read in scripture, I might not only find a place, but purpose. Soon after getting involved in a local church, I found myself active, serving others. I felt like I was a part of something positive, a group of people who were making a difference in their community.

Quick story: One day Bob happened to be visiting some relatives in a country town in the deep south. While visiting an elderly relative, Bob asked what was new. The old man replied "well, we got a new preacher in town. Evry' body seems to like the feller". Being polite in showing interest, Bob prodded his relative for more information... "so, what does everybody like about this new preacher?". "Well, the old preacher used to tell us that we're all sinners and unless we get borned again, we're goin to hell", said the old man. "What does the new one say"? Asked Bob. "The new one tells us that we're all sinners and unless we get borned again we're goin to hell". Perplexed, Bob asked, "what's the difference, they're saying the same thing?". The old man glanced up and said "well Bob, the new preacher has a tear in his eye when he says it".

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